The Artist’s Complete Guide to Figure Drawing


From the Introduction:

    "Learning to draw is like learning a new language. Drawing has its own vocabulary, and more importantly, its own grammar. The purpose of study is to become so fluent that the nature of the model expresses itself through your pencil effortlessly. This means receiving impressions from the model with an open awareness, and translating them into line and tone clearly and spontaneously. It means being able to handle anything, no matter how ‘difficult,’ calmly and easily.           
    “Students often just want to learn ‘how to draw.’ But it is far more important for them to learn about
what they are drawing. When the model poses, the student is presented with a vast quantity of information. He processes and interprets this information, formulating it in terms that he can understand. This formulation then becomes the true subject of his drawing. He doesn’t draw what he sees - he draws what he thinks he sees. His thought process stands at the very center of his ability to draw. If you wish to learn to draw you must therefore become aware of what you’re thinking as you draw. The purpose of this book is to upgrade this process of interpretation with a step-by-step drawing method."

 The Artist's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing
Available through your local bookstore or online booksellers.  
Author: Anthony Ryder
Publisher/Year of Publication:  Watson-Guptill/2000
ISBN-10: 0823003035
ISBN-13: 978-0823003037

© Anthony Ryder 2015